Strahd von Zarovich

Although few alive today have had direct interaction with the lord of Barovia, elders among the communities can recall a time when representatives of Castle Ravenloft were regularly sent to the towns and villages of Barovia. In decades long-since passed, Count Strahd von Zarovich's black carriage could frequently be seen travelling down the winding switchback roads from "the Pillarstone". For nearly sixty years, there has only been silence and darkness from Castle Ravenloft, without word or emissary. For a time, taxes were dutifully collected and stored in anticipation of the arrival of a castle envoy. When none came, stores slowly became depleted, the wealth squandered, and towns fell into disrepair. It has only been in the last few weeks that lights have once again been seen in the castle.

About Strahd and vampires, the Barovians believe the following: