Barovians have deep-rooted religious beliefs and superstitions that have been passed down from one generation to the next:
As a paladin of Abadar, Dee feels that these local beliefs are rather antiquated. To her, the Morninglord seems quite similar in nature to Iomedae but with even more zealous, single-minded followers.
Abadar is a god that always strives to maintain agreeable relationships with the other deities, recognizing their influence is conducive to the further advancement of civilized life. To this end, he has even entered into alliances with the archdevil Mephistopheles to promote open channels of trade and communication. He is a great proponent of peace, as war inevitably leads to the degradation of trade and the stifling of prosperity for the general public. He advocates cautious, careful consideration in all matters, and frowns on impulsiveness, believing that it leads to the encouragement of primitive needs. Abadar discourages dependence on government or any religious institution, believing that wealth and happiness should be achievable by anyone with keen judgement, discipline, and a healthy respect for all sensible, just laws.
The Church of Abadar
Abadar's church turned economy and finances into an academic school, founding hundreds of cities and establishing trade across an empire. It created stable economies and a network of merchants who could carry goods and currency across the entire empire. The temples of Abadar are designed to function independently of one another, usually serving a single community or region. The individual clergy are usually aligned with the local government, but are forbidden to fight amongst themselves and often stand as a neutral faction during legitimate conflicts. The priesthood sees their role as responsible for encouraging civilization, trade, and law by promoting co-operation and fairness and by providing loans and other banking services. They encourage thrift and neighborly behavior as a means to enhance each individual's self-interest. Their own service to the community may include pro-bono legal services but they do not donate healing services—except those that help overall community and public health. The clergy never give money, regardless of the need, but will instead loan the required funds at a reasonable rate.
Holy Days of Abadar
Abadius, the first month of the year by the calendar of Faerun, honors the Master of the First Vault. Market's Door, the first day of the fall harvest, priests bless the market and the day is marked with celebration. Taxfest, after taxes have been collected, the clergy of Abadar celebrates with a feast open to the community.
Knights of Abadar
Abadar's holy order of paladins fight against corruption and anarchy. They understand both the letter and spirit of the law and often serve as judges in places where the application of law is starting to dissolve. In addition to the standard paladin code of protecting the innocent, acting with honor and honesty, and respecting lawful authority, an Abadarian paladin is also sworn to protect roadways and travelers, bring bandits to justice, work to reform or replace corruption in the courts, ensure equitable trade between merchants and citizens, and help others take responsibility for themselves and their actions.