Important People: Castle Ravenloft

Strahd von Zarovich: Strahd is the vampire lord of Barovia. Hundreds of years ago, he murdered his younger brother, Sergei, on Sergei's wedding day in order to claim his bride, Tatyana. In doing so, he became the land's first vampire. Tatyana then jumped to her death from the walls of Castle Ravenloft. Strahd has pursued relationships with several of her reincarnations, but all have ended in tragedy.
Ludmilla: Ludmilla is the oldest of Strahd's brides. Strahd described her as logical, methodical, and interested in history and the Arts, which is to say, very much like himself. She serves Strahd as court historian and as a voice of reason that keeps the younger vampire consorts in line.
Escher: Escher was a bard in a group of adventurers brought to Barovia by the mists. Strahd remarked that Escher reminded him of a long-dead friend, Alek Gwilym, which is what initially drew his attention to the attractive young man. Unfortunately, it is in Escher's nature to wander, and while he still loves Strahd, he feels somewhat trapped in Castle Ravenloft.
Volenta: Volenta was the next of Strahd's consorts, a young girl in Madame Eva's Vistani camp. He noted her to be a formidable tactician with a penchant for the macabre. She serves as the castle assassin and enjoys lounging in the so-called "Hall of Bones", making play-things out of the bones of her enemies. She especially loves Strahd's "dreamy eyes", as she told the group during dinner.
Anastrasya: Anastrasya is the youngest of Strahd's brides and certainly the most boisterous. She was a young noble woman from Vallaki who took it upon herself to raise her social standing by seeking Strahd out. He found her brazenness attractive... until she proved to be endlessly demanding of his time and attention.
Gertruda: Gertruda is a fifteen-year-old girl who has run away from her mother in Barovia Village. Currently staying at Castle Ravenloft under the protection of Lord Strahd.
Helga: Helga is one of the many vampire spawn living in the castle. She serves as the maid.
Cyrus: Cyrus is one of the few living residents of Castle Ravenloft. He serves as the cook.
Leif: Leif is another human resident of Castle Ravenloft and serves as Strahd's accountant.