The Alliance of Southern Golarion

The ASG Gathers

Last Time, on the Adventures of the Gallant Sail:

Captain Ygg'xcx Z-yggxx, son of a privateer from the southern-most region of Arcadia, was shocked to hear one day that his father, Ygg'xcx the Elder, had gone missing while on one of his standard shipping runs. They had docked at port for supplies, and the man never returned to the vessel. The crew searched for hours, then days before eventually being forced to return home without him. There had been no outstanding warrants for the man, all was well at work and at home, so none could think of a reason for the man to vanish while safely at port.

Despite the Arcadian Ocean lying between them and their homeland, the East Finland Trading Co. has had an increasing presence in Arcadia over the last few months. It has been said that they have been going after both pirates and privateers alike. Selling off most of the family's property and capital allowed Ygg'xcx to make upgrades to his father's ship, the Gallant Sail, turning it from a merchant ship into a modest warship.

The choice of crew for a rescue mission was poor, but they got him across the ocean to his next port of call. In the subtropics of Garund, Captain Ygg'xcx met a traveling catfolk skald, Milah, and her tengu companion, Kiji. She has a very unique ability to inspire the crew into action, both by song and bared fangs. Convincing her that she would make a better living as a privateer than minstrel, Milah joined the Gallant Sail as her first mate. The ship's stores restocked, the crew set sail north for the Inner Sea: the largest hub of pirate activity in Golarion and most likely place to have information on the East Finland Trading Co and Ygg'xcx the Elder.

As the weather took a turn for the worse, the Gallant Sail was forced into another port in Central Garund. There, Captain Ygg'xcx and crew met another wandering soul. This gentleman, clearly from class and wealth, introduced himself only as Throckmorton IV. He held so many fantastic and varied beliefs on what acts were "unlucky" to perform on a ship that it was less likely he was truly superstitious but rather making an effort to avoid any manual labor. However, he was so handy with a mending spell and prestidigitation that the captain straight away made him the ship's new quartermaster. Captain Ygg'xcx utilized his skills to help alter the ship's flag to fly new colors of the Gallant Sail: first ship of the newly minted Alliance of Southern Golarion.

Finally arriving at the Shackles, the Gallant Sail made port in the capital city of Port Blacksand. The bulk of the crew was sent out to take on supplies and enjoy an evening of R&R in town. Last to leave the ship, Captain Ygg'xcx and First Mate Milah were approached by an unlikely pair of pirates seeking employment, as the Gallant Sail seemed like the sort of ship that was destined to make a good fortune on the high seas. They introduced themselves as Esma Ilayda, a half-orc with obvious elven heritage. Nimble and light on her feet, despite her lumbering size, Erma offered her skills as a good sailor, strong swimmer, and skilled debater of alternative facts. The other pirate was an incredibly tall, purple kobold, standing over 3' in height, with wings and a fiery breathweapon, who introduced himself as Druk Ormr, a "dragon" thank you very much. As Captain Ygg'xcx was looking to promote a new rigger, and Druk could climb the best, the little "dragon" was welcomed aboard as the newest member of the Alliance of Southern Golarion aboard the Gallant Sail.

With a muttered threat that they would regret this slight one day, Esma stomped away from the port in anger, leaving the crew standing on the docks of Port Blacksand, ready to set out on their business...
