Barovia: Political Divisions

Administratively, Barovia is divided into five provinces: the Riverlands (the northwest), the Borderwood (the northeast), the Lowlands (the southwest), the Highlands (the southeast), and the Cursed Lands (central). Each province is overseen by a provincial lord, or Boyar. The title "boyar" has, over the centuries, largely been replaced with "baron". In this more modern age, only the vampire lord Nicu Moldonesti refers to himself still as a boyar under Count Strahd. Each province contains 2-4 cities of varying sizes, as well as several small villages, hamlets, and farming communities. Minor lords may live in the cities, serving as magistrates, judges, landowners, or guild leaders, while others reside in the country as men of property and leisure.

Each provincial lord is given a manor home and grounds, a modest staff to assist however necessary, and a stipend to compensate them for their duties. In return, they are responsible for overseeing the upkeep of their province and managing such things as housing, infrastructure, crops, harvests, supplies, and finances, as well as setting taxes, rents, and dues based on need. If there is any crime in the region, it is their responsibility both to quash it and to punish the offenders appropriately. Any disputes in either the city or the surrounding countryside should be handled through the burgomaster's office or by a duly appointed magistrate of their choosing. Should a matter arise outside the jurisdiction of the baron, only then should a given matter be forwarded to Castle Ravenloft to be dealt with; otherwise, a yearly written report on the province's standing should be sent to the castle with a personal meeting with a representative of the crown every five years.

The Borderwood: in the northeast of Barovia, the Old Svalich Road and Ivlis River run between the Svalich Woods and the Borderwood, connecting the nation from east to west. Baron Vargas Vallakovich is the Burgomaster of Vallaki and is meant to oversea the Borderwood region; however, he has refused to uphold his duties, turning Vallaki into an isolationist city.

Vallaki -- Burgomaster Vargas Vallakovich
Barovia -- Burgomaster Kolyan Indirovich
Ivlis -- Burgomaster Nicolae Dvorzsak

The Riverlands: in the northwest of Barovia, a network of rivers cross this section of land, feeding down from the Balinok Mountains. Baron Ivan Wachter is both Burgomaster of the city of Poenari and oversee jurisprudence in the region.

Poenari -- Burgomaster Baron Ivan Wachter
Krezk -- Burgomaster Dmitri Krezkov
Bloodfang -- this is a small hunting community of 30-50 people, mostly men from town, without a proper burgomaster

The Highlands: in the southeast of Barovia, this region includes a series of mountains with mining operations: metals, coal, and gems.

Immol -- Burgomaster Petre Teodorus
Husla -- Burgomaster Bianca Zeklos
Rasnov -- Burgomaster Ylenia Antonescu

The Lowlands: in the southwest of Barovia; relatively free of mountains, this area has much of the country's farmable land along the Gundar River. Boyar Nicu Moldonesti is the Burgomaster of Teufeldorf as well as a known nosferatu and head of the Ba'al Verzi assassin's guild.

Teufeldorf -- Burgomaster Nicu Moldonesti
Zeidenburg -- Burgomaster Ardonk Szerieza
Brasov -- Burgomaster Stefano Vladovich
Sibiu -- Burgomaster Bela Corvinus

The Cursed Lands: this central area lies between the others, south of Vallaki, and contains the marshes around the ruins of Berez and Mt Ghakis. The Baroness Anica Jaszi, wife of the Burgomaster of Tsolenka, was murdered in her husband's bid for power; however, she remains in Tsolenka as a revenant after avenging her murderer. She and her son, Balthazar jointly rule over the Cursed Lands and the town of Tsolenka.

Tsolenka -- revenant spirit of Burgomaster Anica/her son Baltasar Jaszi
Berez -- a ruined city, presided over by the ghost of Burgomaster Lazlo Ulrich